Building the Church of the Home, Building the Church of the Poor

Privacy Policy

This website is used exclusively by the Couples For Christ – North Carolina. This statement governs our privacy policies with respect to all users, be they members or guests. We understand that privacy online is important to the users of our website especially when providing personal data in and through the Contact Us page. The use of personal information collected in the website will be used only to contact the guest or member. Personal Data collected in the CFC-NC site is securely stored and is not accessible to third parties or to general membership of CFC-NC except to authorized users of the website and only for the purpose indicated above. Only the contact number and email address may be shared to authorized users within the CFC-NC Website. No other data or information is shared to anyone within and outside the organization. The CFC-NC website contains links to other websites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are leaving CFC-NC website and moving to another website that may have a different privacy policy. Any changes in our privacy policy will be posted/updated on this document.

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